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Sutra of the Medicine Buddha with an Introduction, Comments and Prayers

This comprehensive look at the Sutra of the Medicine Buddha is excellent study material for readers who want to learn in depth about the Medicine Buddha. It is suited for both self-study and group study.


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This Chinese and English version of the Sutra of the Medicine Buddha includes pinyin which is the Romanization of the Chinese characters used for pronunciation. Also included is an introduction to the Medicine Buddha, the Medicine Buddha Dharma function, the Medicine Buddha Sutra, and a commentary on the Medicine Buddha’s vows. Prayers to the Medicine Buddha are also included in this comprehensive look at the Buddha of the Eastern Pure Land. The chapter on Buddhism, Medicine, and Health states that numerous physical and mental diseases afflict us and cause us great suffers. While Buddhist medical theories acknowledge and treat the devastating effects of physical diseases, they regard diseases of the mind as the most destructive to health and happiness.
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