Community Engagement

Buddhist Child Safe Project

Hsing Yun Education Foundation promotes Child Safe and supports the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian Child Safe Project. The project focuses on ensuring a “nationally consistent approach to creating organisational cultures that foster child safety and wellbeing across all sectors” (Child Safe Organisations Project). This is done through the implementation of 10 National Principles which are required amongst organisations who want to be labelled as “Child Safe”.

 HYEF is supporting the project as it is our mission to support community and social welfare, and we believe the project is a perfect opportunity to make meaningful contributions to the broader Buddhist and Australian community, while also adding Humanistic Buddhist values to the project. Through the project we are working to build a body of work that will assist Buddhist organisations and charities in becoming Child Safe organisations. This includes the rolling out of trainings that focus on strengthening the governance of organisations that work with children and therefore have a responsibility to protect children from abuse.

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