Chief Abbot of Fo Guang Shan Monastery the Most Venerable Hsin Bau spoke on “The Heart Sutra in Daily Life” at ICC Pyrmont Centre on 22nd March 2019. The R…
Author Archives: Chia Yean
The bridge is one of the greatest inventions by humankind. Held in conjunction with the opening ceremony of Nan Tien Bridge that connects Nan Tien…
On 9th May 2018, Nan Tien Temple Australia, Hsing Yun Education Foundation and Commonwealth Bank Australia co-organised the dharma talk “Mind DNA” by …
Venerable Hui Zhao, Vice Abbot of Fo Guang Shan Monastery spoke on “Diamond Sutra- the Key to Happiness” on 9th March. The talk was organised by H…
Venerable Hui Kuan, Director of Guangzhong Culture and Education Center in Beijing, spoke to an audience of 550 on “Venerable Master Hsing Yun and Humanistic Buddhism” in Sydney on 21st October 2017. In his talk, Venerable Hui Kuan emphasised that “Humanistic Buddhism” is Buddhism, it is returning to the original intent of the Buddha. Advocating Humanistic Buddhism is a remedy for the deviations in traditional Buddhism and helps people to understand Buddhism in a new light. Through Humanistic Buddhism, one learns to understand and embrace life itself, actualise the goodness of life and resolve issues of life and death. …